Our MWD Tool is simple and highly reliable for all types of directional surveying and steering operations. We offer the Tensor retrievable/reseatable systems which reduce lost-in-hole risk and increase customer satisfaction. Downhole configurations are fully modular adding the flexibility of adjustments specific to BHA. Reliable surface decoding is further enhanced with the added option of wireless systems for long range communication between rig and command centre. Quality  sensor  measurement  is  made  possible  through industry standard magnetometer and accelerometer packages, including API standardized  gamma  ray  modules. 


Key Features:

Directional, vertical, horizontal and re-entry well
Short radius slimhole applications (3.50 in tools)
Logging While Drilling (LWD), gamma, annular pressure, vibration
Toolface Accuracy: 0-360° +/- 0.50°
Inclination Accuracy: 0-180° +/- 0.10°
Azimuth Accuracy: 0-360° +/- 0.25°
LCM Tolerance (max): 40-50ppb concentration, any size, premixed